Köp aktien Episurf Medical AB B (EPIS B). https://news.cision.com/episurf/r/poster-with-5-years--follow-up-data-presented-at-the-3rd-world-arthroplasty-
Get today's Episurf Medical AB stock price and latest EPISb news as well as Episurf Medical AB real-time stock quotes, technical analysis, full financials and
Under kapitalmarknadsdagen presenterade Episurfs ledningsgrupp, nyckelkunder och samarbetspartners olika delar av verksamheten. Samtliga presentationer finns tillgängliga via länken. New US patent approval for Episurf Medical within 3D visualisation Tue, Feb 02, 2021 09:45 CET. Episurf Medical (NASDAQ: EPIS B) has received another Notice of Allowance from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Episurf Medical - Health Care - Analysguiden. Prenumerera på Episurf Medical. Om bolaget . Episurf Medical AB är ett svenskt medicintekniskt företag som syftar till att hjälpa människor med ledvärk att leva ett mer aktivt liv genom att förse dem med effektiva och individualiserade behandlingar.
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News. Loading … Subscribe to our ADDRESS Episurf Medical AB, Karlavägen 60, 114 49 Stockholm. Sweden. CONTACT info@episurf.com +46 (0)8 612 00 20 On February 12th, Episurf held its 1st Episealer Talus Skills Lab. The education in surgical technique and indications was performed by Prof.
Episurf Medical is a Swedish medical technology company, the first in the world to offer patient-specific implants and surgical instruments for the treatment of painful joint injuries. By combining expertise in implant development with patented technology for personalized design and production, Episurf Medical is able to provide people with painful joint injuries a more active and healthy life.
Medicinteknikbolaget Episurf Medical har genomfört en riktad nyemission som tillför det 66,3 miljoner kronor före transaktionskostnader. XACT - Cision News; BRIC-länderna faller - SKAGEN Fonder September börsen; Spela spelet, övertro till tekniken och utskälld i affär 23. Back to News.
Köp aktien Episurf Medical AB B (EPIS B). https://news.cision.com/episurf/r/poster-with-5-years--follow-up-data-presented-at-the-3rd-world-arthroplasty-
The patient, who had been suffering from severe knee pain for several years, received an Episealer® implant in March 2018 and has experienced an improved quality of life since then, without the restrictions he previously encountered. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Köp aktien Episurf Medical AB B (EPIS B). Hos Nordnet kan du handla från 0 kr i courtage.
New US patent approval for Episurf Medical within 3D visualisation Tue, Feb 02, 2021 09:45 CET. Episurf Medical (NASDAQ: EPIS B) has received another Notice of Allowance from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). In recent months, two peer-reviewed publications about the Episealer® have been published, including well over 100 patients in total. These publications constitute significant milestones for Episurf Medical, and we are very pleased with the strong clincial results. Company profile page for Episurf Medical AB including stock price, company news, press releases, executives, board members, and contact information
Veronica Wallin, born 1986, has since 2017 worked as CFO at the medical technology company Episurf Medical AB. This information was brought to you by Cision https://news.cision.com. Pål Ryfors, CEO Episurf Medical We are happy to announce the 3 rd edition of the Episealer ® Masterclass Join us on 13-14 June 2019 in central Stockholm to interact with a distinguished faculty, to understand more about our Episealer technology and how this is changing the lives of cartilage patients today.
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Episurf Medical is a Swedish medical technology company, the first in the world to offer patient-specific implants and surgical instruments for the treatment of painful joint injuries.
Publicerad: 2021-01-27 (Cision) Nytt patentbeviljande i USA för Episurf Medical. Publicerad: 2021-01-27 (Cision) Tisdag
Episurf Medical AB / Episurf en guldgruva / Episurf en guldgruva 2021-04-22 06:58 Idag får en patient gå med sin trasiga led tills den är så trasig att man måste byta ut leden. Presentation from Episurf Medical Capital Markets Day on September 15, 2020 .
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På torsdag, den 7 juni 2018, inleds handeln med Episurf Medical AB:s ("Episurf") teckningsoptioner av serie TO4B 2018/2023. Villkoren för teckningsoptionerna i sammandrag: Teckningsoptioner av serie TO4B kommer från och med den 7 juni 2018 att
Episurf Medical is a Swedish medical technology company offering personalised solutions for cartilage lesions in the knee joint. New Japanese patent approval for Episurf Medical https://episurf.com/pressrelease/L1JlbGVhc2UvVmlld1JlbGVhc2VIdG1sL0IwNDNENzNERjFGODI5RDU=/ Episurf Medical (NASDAQ: EPIS B) is obtaining another new patent in China. The Chinese Patent Office SIPO has issued Notice of allowance for a patent related to Episurf Medical’s technology for visualisaton of joint damage.
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In recent weeks, Episurf Medical has published several relevant news. Please press on the links below to access the most relevant press releases: Save the date – Episurf Medical capital markets day 2020
Sweden. CONTACT info@episurf.com +46 (0)8 612 00 20 On February 12th, Episurf held its 1st Episealer Talus Skills Lab. The education in surgical technique and indications was performed by Prof. Dr. C. Niek van Dijk, MD, PhD, founder of the Amsterdam Foot & Ankle School. Please click on the image to see the interview with Prof. van Dijk and hear his thoughts about the new Episealer implant.