2016-04-20 · Most young officers are pretty hard-charging, all full of vim and vigor from their commissioning source. Yes, seeing a senior rater with all sorts of badges, tabs, patches, and doodads might excite some, but what really gets us motivated is a leader who is impassioned, eloquent, and can speak to the problems we see every day on the line. 18.


-The Senior Rater comments box looks similar but will be limited to “five” lines of narrative and the Senior Rater will only comment on “Potential.” The future assignments field at the bottom of the form has changed. The SR Rater must now list three “future successive” assignments looking 3-5 years out.

DA Form 67-9-1a, Junior Officer Development Support Form. Provide his/her and the senior rater’s support forms to the rated officer. Part VII: (Senior Rater Comments) Evaluation Report (OER) designed for better accuracy in evaluating an officer’s potential where the senior rater has the sole responsibility to assess and document a subordinate’s potential. This research will look at how the Army mandates senior rater responsibilities for assessing and documenting the potential of an officer using the OER. Rater NCOER Bullet Comments. Overall Performance. o outstanding role model; epitome of the Senior NCO needed to forge AMEDD's next generation of medics o maintained accountability of his STT, AN/TTC 64(V)2 Switch Set Communication and two HMMWVS valued at over $850,000 • Senior Rater top box restricted to <50% – OER Rater narrative focus on performance Rater Narrative Comments: X Unclassified MAJ Sm it h’ sperforman c eov rt iating od has bee nomme u at w g ade and time in service. He has completed all assigned tasks to standard in a timely manner, and he is It is the senior rater’s job to review the rater’s comments and to provide important career influencing input to the evaluation, to include checking a “rating block”.

Oer senior rater comments

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Be as specific as possible and use numbers, percentages, and whatever specific achievements you can find. This is a lot better than doing a generic OER. The OER is an assessment tool -- the Support Form is a counseling tool OER is a forced distribution system Senior Rater top box (Most Qualified) restricted to <50% Rater Left Box (Excels) restricted to <50% Rater narrative focuses on quantifiable performance Senior Rater narrative focuses on potential (3-5 … Demonstrates qualities of senior NCO’s. His tactical proficiency makes him extremely reliable in all situations. Clearly demonstrates the ability for increased responsibility at the platoon level. Select for ANCOC and promote immediately. This NCO needs no supervision.

I don't think its a bad OER, but its not the best. Its pretty run of the mill. There are five pillars to an OER. 1 - Enumeration: so 1LT /u/standonchairs1 is the #1 Platoon Leader I currently senior rate. 2 - Future Duty Position: Should say something along the lines of place in Company Commander now, Ready for Company Command

2019-05-28 2010-03-25 Received deferred OER from rater, with no Senior Rater Comments General because reciept of a General Letter of - Answered by a verified Military Lawyer. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website.

Oer senior rater comments

10 Aug 2007 o Updates all references to the OER Senior Rater Profile to reflect comment before being sent to Headquarters, Department of the Army 

Oer senior rater comments

Select for ANCOC and promote immediately. This NCO needs no supervision. Consistently perform above standards; achieves outstanding results Senior Rater NCOER Bullet Comments LT Yool offers unlimited upside potential residing in the top quartile of Lieutenants I senior rate. While deployed in support of the Kabul Base Cluster/TAAC-C, LT Yool demonstrated his ability to successfully plan in a highly fluid, complex multinational operational environment and then execute with deliberate confidence despite a persistent insurgent threat. 2016-04-18 Comments made by the SR are among the most important parts of the SRPE.

Oer senior rater comments

Hoping to confirm my suspicion that this is a weak OER. "1LT xxxxx rates in the top half of Platoon Leaders that I senior rate. He has a strong desire to develop himself and others which will allow him to excel at future positions. Senior Rater Comments . Total Army asset; select for First Sergeant now . Consummate professional; promote ahead of peers; consistently performs two pay grades above. contemporaries .
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Oer senior rater comments

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Raters and Senior Raters SHOULD comment on the rated officer’s abilities to execute mission command in their narrative comments. Mission command calls for leaders with the ability to build a collaborative environment, the commitment to develop subordinates, the courage to trust, the confidence to delegate, the patience to overcome adversity, and the restraint to allow lower echelons to develop the situation

18. Demonstrates qualities of senior NCO’s; His tactical proficiency makes him extremely reliable in all situations; Clearly demonstrates the ability for increased responsibility at the platoon level; Select for ANCOC and promote immediately; This NCO needs no supervision; Consistently perform above standards; achieves outstanding results Strong comments separate the employee from his/her peers, a desirable characteristic of leadership. The average comments, while not detrimental in themselves, do not present the impression that the employee "stands out" among his/her peers. SRs must tailor comments to the employee being rated and the overall impression they wish to convey 2014-11-07 · If rater has locked his/her block check, senior rater must request HRC Evaluations Branch unlock and recalculate the rater’s profile before the OER can be deleted (covered under “Unlock Rater Performance Block Check / Profile”).

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Counseling. Ever. There’s this nifty part of the new Officer Evaluation Report Support Form where …

Samtidigt går rater. Per-Erik Gyllestad, ansvarig för kris- och stresshantering på Swedint: terview quotes.