Valdada TX Raider 3-25X50 FFP Tier One rifle scope review . Valdada optics has some o& the very best , and I mean VERY best rifle scopes in the world . True top tier rifle scopes for long range shooters and any precision rifle shooter out there . Thumbs up to Valdada optics for offering a 10% off discount to guys who watch my channel to save some serious money .


I recently picked up a Valdada Recon G2 4.8-30x56 and I have to say that so far I am impressed. We can all read about the scope’s spec on the internet. I am going to try to describe my experience with the scope. My first impression when I opened the box was that the scope was HUGE.

The new Valdada 6-24×50 35mm SFP upgraded Tactical model includes our new MP-8 XTREME-X1 MOA reticle with Digital illum., one piece ocular, improved housing finish, new internal mechanisms stronger than ever, new wide exposed turrets with 100 clicks per revolution, secondary point of impact index; “zero stop” and quick rezero feature. IOR Valdada Crusader 2 (Available in Both Versions) 5.8 40 x 56 FFP Tactical Scope New MOA MOA or Mil/Mil 3 offers from $3,380.00 IOR Valdada 10x56 30mm Tactical Scope, Mil/Mil or MOA, Illuminated MP-8 Dot Reticule (Available in USA, Canada and Other Approved Countries) Rifle Scopes IOR Valdada Terminator 12-52×56 SFP MOA $ 3,395.00 Select options. Rifle Scopes IOR Valdada 6-24×56 Tactical FFP $ 2,250.00 Select options. Spotting Scopes. Spotting Scopes Optolyth Mini 15-45x80mm Spotting Scope $ 1,495.00 Add to cart. Spotting Scopes Optolyth 30x … IOR Valdada, Zero Compromise, Delta Optical, Schmidt and Bender, Athlon, Steiner, Karl Kaps, IOR Valdada Tactical Scope . Steiner Scopes.

Valdada scopes review

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Spotting Scopes. Spotting Scopes Optolyth Mini 15-45x80mm Spotting Scope $ 1,495.00 Add to cart. Spotting Scopes Optolyth 30x … IOR Valdada, Zero Compromise, Delta Optical, Schmidt and Bender, Athlon, Steiner, Karl Kaps, IOR Valdada Tactical Scope . Steiner Scopes. Trijicon. Armatac Saw Mags. HK Poster.

Valdada Tactical rifle scopes are engineered and designed with tier one operators in mind. Maximum elevation adjustment, larger fields of view, optimal color contrast, reliable mechanical tracking, and a body that can take a beating make the Valdada Tactical scope line the only option for operators that want the best.

How To Predict The Future – Statistics For Shooters Part 1. Many shooters have an uncomfortable relationship with … 2020-09-26 Valdada Recon G2 4.8-30X56 Review plus incredible range test .

Valdada scopes review

Valdada has the worst rep in terms of service and dealing with problems possible, historically. They also are pivoting off their Romanian ties and using JOL or some optical company in Japan to produce the G2, which is basically a cookie cutter scope shoehorned into a 40mm body.

Valdada scopes review

Delta Styker 4.5-30x56 FFP SF Mil/Mil is available in ALL reticles for $1550 DELIVERED! Shop or call/text 812-917-5653 or 812-710-4000 or email Valdada 36X Scope, First Report: Benchrest shooter and noted gun writer James Mock recently tested Valdada’s new 36X Benchrest scope on his PPC. Valdada scopes are made by IOR (Industry Optic Romania) in Bucharest, Romania. James was impressed with the scope — and it certainly didn’t hurt his performance any.

Valdada scopes review

Views : 463 Likes : 0 Likes : 0 | Subscribe July 16, 2019 at 4:00 pm Link JoeWayneRheaParticipant Member I was SO LUCKY to have been introduced by my buddy Art to Val from Valdada Optics recently.
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Valdada scopes review

For many who are searching for Ior Valdada Tactical Rifle Scopes Review review. We have more details about Detail, Specification, Customer Reviews and Comparison Price. I would really like recommend that you always check the purchase price.

The Valdada Ranger is the big brother of the Great Valdada TX Raider .
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I recently picked up a Valdada Recon G2 4.8-30x56 and I have to say that so far I am impressed. We can all read about the scope’s spec on the internet. I am going to try to describe my experience with the scope. My first impression when I opened the box was that the scope was HUGE.

- rex reviews the ior 1-10x26 ffp mil mil tactical (BGO) Best tactical rifle scope ever ? ior valdada recon 4-28x50 extreme long range  26 Apr 2019 Ed Jackson looks at IOR's take on a top tier tactical scope, the Crusader… Review; Specification; Guns For Sale; Comments. IOR Crusader  I am curious what anyone can tell me about IOR Tactical scopes. The 4X is on its second return to IOR Valdada.

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Valdada IOR Benchrest Rifle Scope. By James Mock. Read the review here ( requires Adobe Acrobat). Copyrighted Material. Reprinted by permission. Shotgun 

Rifle Scopes IOR Valdada 6-24×56 Tactical FFP $ 2,250.00 Select options.