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Du som löntagare kan dock ha ditt lönekonto hos vilken annan bank som helst i Sverige. At your request, you are being redirected to a third party site. Please read and agree with the disclaimer before proceeding further. This is to inform you that by clicking on the hyper-link/ok, you will be accessing a website operated by a third party namely Such links are provided only for the convenience of the Client and Axis Bank does not control or endorse such websites, and is not ICICI Bank, a leading private sector bank in India, offers Netbanking services & Personal banking services like Accounts & Deposits, Cards, Loans, Insurance & Investment products to meet your banking needs. Bank or open an account online, by app or in one of our stores - Our branches are open 7 days a week from early until late, or chat to our call centre 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Banken håller reda på de anställdas kontonummer och ser till att de alltid får lönen utbetald till rätt konto och i rätt tid. Kontot kan finnas i svensk- eller utländsk bank. Dina anställda kan enkelt meddela banken vilket kontonummer de vill få sin lön utbetald till.

This is to inform you that by clicking on the hyper-link/ok, you will be accessing a website operated by a third party namely Such links are provided only for the convenience of the Client and Axis Bank does not control or endorse such websites, and is not ICICI Bank, a leading private sector bank in India, offers Netbanking services & Personal banking services like Accounts & Deposits, Cards, Loans, Insurance & Investment products to meet your banking needs. Bank or open an account online, by app or in one of our stores - Our branches are open 7 days a week from early until late, or chat to our call centre 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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