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Step 1 — Setting Up a Discord Bot. In this step, you’ll use the Discord developers GUI to set up a Discord bot and get the bot’s token, which you will pass into your program. In order to register a bot on the Discord platform, use the Discord application dashboard. Here developers can create Discord applications including Discord bots.

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A lot of servers want to grant users roles when Today I'll be showing you how to setup a basic Discord bot using C#, .net core and DSharpPlus. We'll be using reflection to automatically load module classes with your commands in them.

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Rythm makes it easy to listen to any of your favorite songs with a group of friends or by yourself. Getting started with Rythm is easy, once you’ve added our bot to your server you can jump in a voice channel and summon the bot with either the !join command or our website dashboard at . Un bot Français performant proposant des modules de qualité tel un module de sécurité anti-raid, musique, modération et de divertissement. A simple and powerful Discord Ticket Bot with a web UI and various ticket tools to implement an effective Discord ticket system Carl-bot is a fully customizable and modular discord bot featuring reaction roles, automod, logging, custom commands and much more.
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