Huvudsakliga översättningar. Engelska, Svenska. marital status nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (whether or not one is married), civilstånd
Civil status. It's your family status. It includes several situations, including being single, married, divorced or in a common-law relationship and whether or not you
Time period: Current status at time of survey. Numerators: Number of women (or men) who are currently: 1) Never married nor lived in a consensual union My marital status indicates that I am single. — Mon état civil indique que je suis célibataire. plus rare : situation matrimoniale f. ·. statut matrimonial m.
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• Household size, marital status, and ethnicity 2016-09-16 2009-08-22 2021-04-03 Code System OID: 2.16.840.1.113883.12.2: Code System Name: Marital status (HL7) Code System Code: PH_MaritalStatus_HL7_2x Marital status and marital history data help federal agencies understand marriage trends, forecast future needs of programs that have spousal benefits, and measure the effects of policies and programs that focus on the well-being of families, including tax policies and financial assistance programs. Is proof of the marital status of a person and can be used if any issue comes up; If you need to make an affidavit of the marital status of a single person you can consider the above points. Make this affidavit carefully and fill it in without any mistakes. This is because it is a … The state of being married or unmarried. Some definitions divide groups into single, married and divorced (or separated). Marital status qualifies one for various tax advantages; for example, married persons generally may exempt more of their income from taxes.
More Definitions of marital status. marital status means the presence or absence of a marital relationship and includes the status of married, separated, divorced,
• California law prohibits housing discrimination based on marital status. • In Western society an individual's marital status and occupational status are achieved. • Household size, marital status, and ethnicity 2016-09-16 2009-08-22 2021-04-03 Code System OID: 2.16.840.1.113883.12.2: Code System Name: Marital status (HL7) Code System Code: PH_MaritalStatus_HL7_2x Marital status and marital history data help federal agencies understand marriage trends, forecast future needs of programs that have spousal benefits, and measure the effects of policies and programs that focus on the well-being of families, including tax policies and financial assistance programs. Is proof of the marital status of a person and can be used if any issue comes up; If you need to make an affidavit of the marital status of a single person you can consider the above points.
The European Parliament is an equal opportunities employer and accepts applications without discrimination on any grounds such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or
It is suggested that a marital status check should be done subtly to avoid a lot of unwanted talk. en indicates whether the person is married (examples: married, single, divorced, and widowed) The breakdown ‘Legal marital status ’ is designed to break down any total or subtotal referring to persons. Indelningen Civilstånd är avsedd för uppdelning av totaler eller deltotaler som hänför sig till personer.
Klicka på länken för att se betydelser av "marital status" på - online och gratis att använda. 2020-07-31 · As its name suggests, marital status discrimination is workplace discrimination based on an employee’s marital status. It can occur whether you are married or single.
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Marital status should be considered when counseling patients for melanoma procedures and when recommending sc … • Even marital status was taken into consideration. • It asks my birth date, if I have any children and my marital status. • California law prohibits housing discrimination based on marital status. • In Western society an individual's marital status and occupational status are achieved.
We are now in 2018 and this practice has gradually fallen out of fashion. If you file your return before your 90-day separation period (which includes December 31) is over, you should continue to indicate a marital status of married or living common law, as applicable.
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The ACS presents data on people's current marital status, how many people's status changed in the last year, and their marital history. Sample survey questions on
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Your marital status is an important demographical statistic to a large array of groups and institutions. It usually affects your eligibility for government benefits as well as the taxes you are required to pay. It is an important consideration for providers of credit and insurance, and the marital statistics collected
Civil status, or marital status, are the distinct options that describe a person's relationship with a significant other.