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[Arkiv] Sidan 2 Trading-filosofi Handelsstrategier. Om jag kaxar till mig och säger att jag vill 100% vol target. Så ska jag satsa 6.3%. Om jag låter min Tex strategi A ligger short 75% av testkontots värde. Då blir strategi A 

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Vol 75 trading

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Vol 75 trading

In order to trade the Volatility 75 Index, you will need an account with a specialized broker that offers Volatility 75 Index trading. We recommend one of the following brokers for trading the VIX (click on the logo to open the broker's website): Pepperstone. Ava Trade. IC Markets. More about the Volatility BeanFX Volatility Index 75 Scalper. How To Setup A Demo Trading Account – Strictly For Beginners! BeanFX V-75 Index Scalper 2.
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The Vol.T™ Cumulative PVT shows the cumulative PVT value throughout the entire trading session (based on user-defined start/end times). By using the PVT Cumulative mode, a new PVT Total is calculated starting with the first bar of each session.
