Translations of the phrase SILJA LINE from english to finnish and examples of the use of "SILJA LINE" in a sentence with their translations: Tallink silja line and viking line cruise ships


The Italian Chef Valter Gaiaudi planned a completely new menu to Silja Line’s and Tallink’s Tavolàta restaurants. Customers will get to enjoy the new menu for one year 1.4.2018-31.3.2019 in the Silja Line and Tallink cruise ships.

All of the company’s cruise ships operating from Finnish ports use Neste’s low-sulfur marine fuel. Read more about Neste marine solutions Sustainable development is one of Tallink Silja’s key focus areas. Vessel SILJA EUROPA is a Ro-Ro/Passenger Ship, Registered in Estonia. Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. Get the details of the current Voyage of SILJA EUROPA including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 8919805, MMSI 276807000, Call Sign ESUJ M/S Silja Serenade är en kryssningsfärja som är upplagd i Åbo och ägs av Tallink Group och trafikerar för Silja Line.

Silja line ships

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The ship has a max capacity of 3123 passengers and 400 cars plus 60 trucks/trailers. The vessel was launched in 1993 and currently operates on the Finland-Estonia ferry route Helsinki - Tallinn (crossing time 2 hours). Silja Line (firma sedan 2006 Tallink Silja Oy) är ett marknadsbolag för passagerarfärjetrafik mellan Sverige och Finland, dotterbolag till Tallink Group. Silja Lines ursprung brukar härledas till de samseglande rederiernas, Stockholms Rederi AB Svea , Finska Ångfartygs Ab (FÅA) och Ångfartygs Ab Bore , grundande av Siljarederiet 1957. Silja Line is the Silja brand of the Tallin Grupp operating a fleet of four modern car ferry/cargo vessels that specializes in short cruises between Finland and Sweden. The chain of archipelagos that lie between Sweden and Finland or a visit to Tallinn in Estonia (optional hotel stays arranged) are a few of the highlights of the dozens of routes available.

With her 1000 cabins the M/S Galaxy can easily accommodate 2800 passengers and as you would expect of the Silja Line brand, the onboard facilities are 

Cabins Media in category "Silja Line ships" The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total. 11-07-31-helsinki-by-RalfR-004.jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 4.57 MB. Silja Line is the Silja brand of the Tallin Grupp operating a fleet of four modern car ferry/cargo vessels that specializes in short cruises between Finland and Sweden. The chain of archipelagos that lie between Sweden and Finland or a visit to Tallinn in Estonia (optional hotel stays arranged) are a few of the highlights of the dozens of routes available.

Silja line ships

Tallink Group's unique short cruises connect four capitals on the Baltic Sea coast -- Stockholm, Helsinki,Tallinn and Riga. Our vessels also travel to Turku

Silja line ships

#match #NASA # Plane #ship #silja_line. Are both ships depart from the same ferry terminal or i have to look for terminal of Viking Line & terminal of Silja line separately ?

Silja line ships

Given that shipping route operators have continued to operate ships Tallink Silja Line kommer att göra sig av med närmare 300 anställda,  M/S Silja Serenade är en kryssningsfärja som är upplagd i Åbo och ägs av Tallink Group och trafikerar för Silja Line. År 1991 kom även LINE)” (på en-EN). CruiseMapper.
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Silja line ships

In many cases, the ships will be dealt with in more detail on pages devoted to the subsidiary co MS Tallink Isabelle ferry is a Ro-Ro passenger vessel operated by the Estonia-based company TALLINK-SILJA LINE. The ship has a max capacity of 2480 passengers and 364 cars plus 65 trucks/trailers.

Stena Superfast X Conversion · Marinen ms Silja Line. Our personal has Owner: Tallink Silja OY. Registry: Helsinki. Length   We took the breakfast option, on the advice of our hotel front desk staff.
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Merparten är ombordanställda på Silja Symphony och Galaxy. Coronakrisen har slagit hårt mot Silja Line. Under april föll passagerarsiffrorna 

Silja Line (firma sedan 2006 Tallink Silja Oy) är ett marknadsbolag för passagerarfärjetrafik mellan Sverige och Finland, dotterbolag till Tallink Group. Silja Lines ursprung brukar härledas till de samseglande rederiernas, Stockholms Rederi AB Svea , Finska Ångfartygs Ab (FÅA) och Ångfartygs Ab Bore , grundande av Siljarederiet 1957.

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Previous I have served in other positions in same company, in cargo ships Nordström & Thulin, Thunbolagen, Viking Line, Sea Wind, Hjerteröd Rederi.

Silja Line is a Finnish cruiseferry brand operated by the Estonian ferry company AS Tallink Grupp, for car, cargo and passenger traffic between Finland and Sweden . The former company Silja Oy—today Tallink Silja Oy —is a subsidiary of the Tallink Grupp, handling marketing and sales for Tallink and Silja Line brands in Finland as well as managing Tallink Silja Line. Hitta resa. Boka kryssning. Kryssningstyper. Kryssningar 11 & 23h.