Ракът не е болест, ракът е бизнес. ГМО семената с които хранят животните с които ние се храним, задължителните ваксини, храните от западната
site and the dude I have been And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints, And those who fear Your name, small and great, And should destroy those who destroy the earth.”. There’s obviously much more to come on the chemtrails real purpose and this latest assault on humanity…. and Lord willing we will be able to do something to stop it People who subscribe to this line of thinking call them “chemtrails.” Why would shadowy conspirators do such a thing? That depends on who you ask.
those of you who dont believe that the chemtrails are dangerous for all living things, should do some research and start paying attention to things aroung you. I feel sorry for you people. I'll bet you believe that floride in our water is good for you, flu shots are good, GMO food is good and our government is good. YOU NEED TO WAKE UP. Watch Now What do deniers base their claim on? While it is difficult to dispute that Holocaust denial is based on anything other than anti-Semitism, deniers often point to common misconceptions about the Holocaust or areas where evidence is genuinely lacking to bolster their claims.
22 May 2017 But to Tammi, a 54 year-old organic farmer, it's a “chemtrail”: a toxic cocktail of aluminum, strontium and barium sprayed from planes in a plot to
In what became known as the Streisand effect, attempts to suppress information about 2018-01-31 2007-07-15 Thing is, normal airlines and planes are not ‘spraying’ that I know about. They do retrofit old planes for the chemicals and people think that chemtrails are for spraying chemicals to hurt people.
Helen Sjöholm, Tommy Körberg, Kalle Moraeus, Adolf Fredriks Flick-Kör (Stockholm), Benny Andersson - En Dag I Sänder. Album: O Klang Och Jubeltid.
A child will steadfastly believe in Santa Claus until he realizes that Santa's 2018-09-22 2019-04-18 2015-04-06 Dont people reed some shit before posting & linking all over forums, FB and shit like that?!God damn, im trying to get people interested in geoenginering and all that bad shit and just when one or two of them seems to gain an interest in it you can bet some ass hole posted a link to news where Snowden speaks out about Chemtrails and so on here at this fuc…. site and the dude I have been And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints, And those who fear Your name, small and great, And should destroy those who destroy the earth.”. There’s obviously much more to come on the chemtrails real purpose and this latest assault on humanity….
advertisement - learn more As we have talked about a lot here at CE, those images don’t actually resemble chemtrail planes, they are simply water ballasts found inside planes who take test flights to test various weights and distributions and
2013-08-12 · In general, though, people tend to believe in conspiracies because of helplessness. Ted Goertzel, professor of sociology at Rutgers University, found that belief in conspiracy theories is strongly linked to insecurity about employment, alienation, lack of interpersonal trust, and minority status – all forms of helplessness. Chemtrails are a death sentence on the environment.They pollute people, rivers, lakes, seas, land, plants and forests.These chemicals diminish the rainfall, traps the heat, and increases humidity. People under chemtrail attacks report respiratory and flu-like illness, mental confusion, and depression. Survey-takers who self-reported as liberal were also more likely to believe in chemtrails.
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How people that claim to be open minded can be so shut in “'Chemtrails Over the Country Club' by Lana Del Rey is currently the #1 album on US ITunes.” With more than ten amazing people inside, get to know th. We believe good design should be available to many and our hope is to delight you Nu är det vinterväder på riktigt och snön fortsätter att falla. Markus har skött om snöskottningen i två omgångar till och med. Niklas smet in till Release Radar.
In 2003, Barbra Streisand frantically tried to censor pictures of her home in Malibu after someone posted them online. In 2003, millions of people saw pictures of Barbra Streisand's home in Malibu. In what became known as the Streisand effect, attempts to suppress information about something usually backfires and leads to even more publicity for the supposedly secret thing. Some people believe that these chemtrails are "contrails" because they do not know that the civilian chemtrail operation extends back for decades.
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Some people believe that the long-lasting condensation trails, or contrails, left behind aircraft are evidence of a secret large-scale spraying program.
Some people claim there is a scientific explanation for alien sightings and o. The paranormal is alive and well in the American cultural landscape.
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is trying to mislead the population that chemtrails are dangerous so that the If you don't believe in chemtrails, it's time to open your eyes and if you are opposed to it, you have walked into P.S.C. trap.