Master Marine AS is a portfolio company of Nordic Capital CV1 LP, where NAXS is an investor. Contact information:. Lennart Svantesson, CEO. Telephone: +46 73 311 00 11


NAXS continued on its positive trajectory during 2019, seeing its net asset value per share increase by 7.5% during the year. On the investment side, NAXS made in the fourth quarter a new commitment to the JAB Consumer Fund – Global Consumer Brands III. NAXS was already an investor …

Börsvärde. Nästa rapport. Lista. Small Cap. Bransch. May 18, 2020 Stock market, Investment strategy, Cointegration, Error Correction.

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The fund   NAXS AB invests in private equity-funds with a Nordic focus. It also makes direct investments and co-investments in both unlisted and listed companies. The fund   Naxs Ab (publ) News. Real-Time news about Naxs Ab (publ) (London Stock Exchange): 0 recent articles. More Naxs Ab (publ) News · Naxs Ab (publ) Investors.

NAXS investerar 8 MSEK som cornerstone investor i samband med börsintroduktionen av Scout Gaming Group på Nasdaq First North.

NAXS is an investor in Herkules Fund III. The Fund has a size of NOK 1.9 billion and was oversubscribed at final close. Equip will focus on the small/midcap segment in the Nordic region, primarily Norway and Sweden, with three main focus sectors: consumer services, industrials and business services.

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Regarding the direct investments, Awilco Drilling gained 76% after a long period of weakness, while Scout Gaming Group retreated by 21% after an impressive 

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Investmentbolags Index (ibindex) är ett aktieindex som har som mål att följa utveckligen hos investmentbolagen och deras substansvärde på Stockholmsbörsen (OMXS). NAXS investerar 8 MSEK som cornerstone investor i samband med börsintroduktionen av Scout Gaming Group.

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This makes investing attractive. But if you choose that path Følg kursbildet, nyheter, teknisk analyse og børsmeldinger for NAXS AB. 5 days ago Get the latest NAXS AB (publ) (NAXS) real-time quote, historical information to help you make more informed trading and investment decisions. Investor relations. NAXS Presentation. Content: downloadable PDF Exchange The shares in NAXS are traded on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. Ticker NAXS ISIN  Answer to HO2C0-COM-Naxs) NaOCH3 CO2H (XS) HO2C O CH2N2 O NaOH Phi (xs) XS O Lead Investor and Professional Board Member (non-executive).
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Lista. Small Cap. Bransch.

NAXS är ett medelstort svenskt investmentbolag. Detta bolag investerar främst i private equity-fonder som fokuserar på norden. Dessutom kan NAXS investera i alternativa tillgångar och då utan geografisk begränsning. NAXS kan också investera upp till 40 procent av kapitalet i finansiella instrument.
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NAXS is an investment company listed on NASDAQ Stockholm. NAXS primarily invests in private equity funds with a Nordic focus, but may also make direct investments or co-investments alongside private equity or other alternative assets funds. In addition, NAXS may, to a limited extent, make other types of investments. Attachment. NAXS PR Nordic X

RIGHT TO ATTEND THE MEETING. Shareholders that wish to attend the Meeting, NAXS continued on its positive trajectory during 2019, seeing its net asset value per share increase by 7.5% during the year. On the investment side, NAXS made in the fourth quarter a new commitment to the JAB Consumer Fund – Global Consumer Brands III. NAXS was already an investor … NAXS är ett investmentbolag. Idag återfinns huvudsakligen investeringarna via nordiska Private Equity fonder.

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NAXS is an investor in Herkules Fund III.The Fund has a size of NOK 1.9 billion and was oversubscribed at final close.

There is no resistance in the price chart and further rise is indicated. 2020-10-01 · NAXS is an investor in Nordic Capital Fund VII and Nordic Capital CV1. More information will be available in NAXS’s Q3 2020 report, due October 20 th.